With every stay at Hotel EDELWEISS in Berchtesgaden you will receive EDELWEISS loyalty points as a gift, which you can view in the exclusive EDELWEISS guest club log-in area and convert into a value voucher. Make yourself or your friends & acquaintances a pleasure!
Recommend the EDELWEISS Berchtesgaden and receive a special bonus as a thank you. On departure, you will receive a recommendation card that offers your friends and acquaintances advantages during their first stay with us.
For each newly recommended guest, you as a “referrer” will receive 100 EDELWEISS loyalty points worth EUR 100 in your guest club account. Your recommended guest will be greeted with a welcome surprise.
Family Hettegger
Maximilianstraße 2
D – 83471 Berchtesgaden
Phone number:
+49 8652 9799-0
Email Address: